Thursday, 18 April 2013

Evaluation Q3

3) What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

I posted my final product on a number of social network and media sites such as Youtube, Facebook and Twitter and received better feedback than I could have asked for and was grateful for all the feedback I received. Many people commented on the fact that they forgot it was a student film and felt like they were watching a 'real film' which was very encouraging and affirmed to me that the techniques used and shot choice when editing was effective in the final outcome. I also received some good constructive criticism on things within the interview footage such as lighting and editing techniques that I could have used to improve the image of M.D Jos, this was extremely helpful and beneficial, especially for future projects and films I make to improve the outcome. Having more interviews was also an area that could have been improved, however having only a limited time and people that I was in contact with I was fortunate enough to find a perfect interviewee who was passionate about this topic and had a great story to tell. As with every film or project you will work on you learn new things and your skills will improve and using this audience feedback I know how I can keep developing these skills in my work. 

As the topic of ‘freedom’ and the caste system in India isn’t something you hear about everyday from the feedback I have had back it has showed me that the viewers have been drawn in by the story and have been very interested in the what Jos had to say about the work he is doing out in India. I find this very positive as it is a topic that people may not have been interested in or may cause controversy between people who may have strong viewpoints on this topic of ‘freedom’. Audience feedback is a vital and important part to improving and developing your skill set when in the production of films and opens your eyes up to what the audience prefer to see and what puts them off watching the screen.

After posting my video on Youtube after 3 days it had received 123 views. I also posted it on Facebook where I received some good feedback which is shown on a previous post.

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